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College Recap: Robert Morris University

College is a new experience for a lot of us. Leaving high school, saying goodbye to our loved ones and adjusting to adulthood, it can be very difficult and comes with a lot of responsibility. Throughout my college search process, I’ve gained attention from many schools. I’ve been accepted to about 15 schools such as Towson University, Shippensburg University, East Stroudsburg University and many others. I’ve also been denied out of 3 schools as well, but overall, I was very accomplished coming out of high school.
I committed to Robert Morris University on March 23, 2019 as a Business Student. My first visit on accepted students’ day I was very impressed. The opening speech was very appealing by the President, I learned a lot more about my career interests in the career fair and the hospitality was great. One thing that stood out to me the most about that day was The Multicultural Student Services. I attended their session before I left on the visit and it really opened my eyes. This event I met students such as Melanie Hall and Jay Olu-Wehuje, two successful students at Robert Morris. I also got a chance to meet Fred Hodges. Fred Hodges is the Head Director of the Multicultural Student Services at Robert Morris. He is a great example of a Leader, Mentor and a Big Brother. Throughout his session, he briefly explained the multicultural services on campus, what they do and how it impacts student of color on campus. The session really caught my attention and I was glad to end my day on that note. After the visit was over, me and my family went to the PNC Cafeteria for Lunch. We briefly discussed the day, but I switched conversation midway through our meal to talk about college. I explained to them how I narrowed down all my options and I felt Robert Morris was the college for me. They agreed and I decided on the spot I was attending Robert Morris University for school. Once people from back home heard the news, and I posted it on my social media, everybody was very proud of me and wishing me congratulations. I even caught people’s attention from the school already and gained some recognition with followers on social media. It was a brand-new experience for me, and I was very blessed to find a way out of Harrisburg.
Throughout the rest of my senior year, I continued my Track & Field career by making The District Championships and preparing for Graduation. Being at Districts was a great experience due to missing the past couple of seasons due to missing marks, or facing injury. I finally put my foot down senior year and started focusing more on Track by doing a lot of work outside Susquehanna Township’s practice. Workouts that included practicing with The Milton Hershey School where my Father went to school and coaches at, and spent many hours at Roscoe Warner Stadium 2-3 hours after mandatory practice to work on jumping technique. My season ended at Districts where I missed the state mark by about 7 inches (44’5). It was very unfortunate, but I’ve gained many memories and friendships from Track & Field at Susquehanna Township and I couldn’t be any prouder of what I overcame. The rest of the school year I attended Prom, Award Ceremonies and Graduated on Honor Roll. Graduation was a very exciting, but hard time as well. Leaving all the people you grew up with and many of us moving on it was a very emotional time. But spending your last time with everybody and having all eyes on your graduation night, I cherished the moment. I’m still friends with a few people from my high school class, but I still keep everybody in prayers and wish nothing but the best for them! Next stop Robert Morris University...
My semester at Robert Morris University didn’t start off the way I wanted it too. I learned my friend, Jonathan Fagan passed away the night before I moved in and I was devastated. I played Basketball with him for years and had so many memories filled with laughter with him in AAU Basketball off the court. It was a very hard time dealing with moving into college, getting adjusted and a friend that passed away. Overtime it was hard not thinking about that tragedy and being far from home, it started taking a toll on my social life and schoolwork. Some days I couldn’t stop thinking about things going on back home, and a lot of days I just hung out in my room and balled up. I felt things were wrong making a bad decision coming to Robert Morris, and putting myself in a different place where I wasn’t going to do well in school, going to a school too far and building a better life for myself. I told myself , “If I put myself in this situation, I need to find myself out of it”. So, I decided it would be best to transfer out of Robert Morris and find other options back in Eastern Pennsylvania (My Region, Area, etc.) where I can continue my studies and be a lot closer. I felt this was the best situation for me at the moment and things were going to fall in place sometime soon. Tragedy then hit again soon early October where I have gotten really depressed and angry and ended up smashing my phone. I wanted to distance myself from the world because I felt really alone, but it ended up being a bad decision and it cut off communication from my parents. I learned from my mistakes and I started opening up to people about my struggles. I really appreciate my family for hearing me out about my frustration, but also Fred Hodges for taking me under his wing as a mentee and Nyla Betts for helping a Friend out. Things got a little better after a while. Grades started improving and I began to work again as well. “Getting that money ya feel me”. I started feeling like I had a purpose in the world again even though I was in a bad situation.
My experience at Robert Morris University wasn’t the greatest, but at times there were positives. Playing Intramural Basketball, working at the UMPC Events Center for Basketball Games, and nights out with Friends have been great memories I’ll carry forever. I would like to people such as Steffon Chambers, Tayvel Hutchinson, Elia Kandack-Ngako, Antoine Mosley, Kiyah Palmer, Sydney Smith and a few others that have left a positive impact on me. Personally, my favorite class from that school was the Class of 2022. I got along with many of them at school and shoutout Caleb Black for being a loyal Temporary Clothing Line Customer. Get your shirt today! Anyways lol I appreciate Brooke Bushmire and Sean Johnson as well for helping me get through Psychology in the semester because I don’t know how that class would’ve gone if I never reached out. I also appreciate the tutoring services for helping me out in Macroeconomics. Macro is the hardest subject I’ve ever encountered, and I can’t thank them enough for helping me. I also want to shoutout my roommate, Zachary Cook for being a great example and supporting friend to me these past couple months. We’re two different people who come from two different worlds, but managed to get to know each other and have made the best out of being roommates. I would also like to thank Ellen Hutchins (RMU) , Jocelyn Guy (RMU), Justin Brown (West Chester University), Albert Jones(Family Friend) and many others for contributing to my education these last couple of months through their guidance.  Last, I’d like to thank Fred Hodges for everything he’s done. He’s one of the main reasons I came to Robert Morris. His presence and motivating speeches have really enlightened me over-time and have built me up as a person. He does a great job of running the multicultural student services, but he can’t do all the work to keep African American students on campus and I feel he doesn’t get enough credit for it. A lot of Black students and other minorities have left this campus due to the school not having enough culture, and as people of color we face a lot of negative encounters as well being in a Predominately White Institution (PWI). I’ve talked to many former students from RMU who transferred out and they told me certain reasons why they left, and I took their word for it. I just couldn’t see myself graduating from Robert Morris and being stuck here for four years. I noticed the signs early and I needed a way out before things got bad. I realized at Robert Morris they want you to be the “perfect student” and as a person I feel not everybody’s perfect. I have many beliefs and follow my teachings, so the decision was a personal matter as well.
In conclusion, I will be attending Harrisburg Area Community College for the Spring Semester. This was the best decision for me moving forward. It gives me more time to decide on what I want to do with my life, and I get to work part time again. I hate being broke and in school, so I feel this is the best plan. I’m hoping to get back into Basketball very soon after taking time off it to try new experiences. This will give me time to decide on my next school, training and to get back into basketball shape. I have also submitted applications for Fall 2020 to become a regular student again at schools like West Chester University, Kutztown University and Millersville University if that option holds again to become a regular student. I trust the man above that 2020 will be my rebuilding year as an adult and for nothing but good vibes moving forward. I’ve realized you don’t have to go far away, or be at a standout school to accomplish great things. You can be close enough from your doorstep and still get a degree, or work a good paying job. College isn’t for everybody and I’ve realized it can be a scam, but the degree is worth it. I want to thank everybody for this eye-opening year good parts and bad parts, but it’s time to cut off distractions and move forward. Have a great rest of the semester and happy new year!


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